Monday, October 15, 2012


Have you ever been at the gym and felt the need to text your BFF? Fear no more. I have come up with a new edition called Textercising.  If you missed out on the Christmas version, click here, or the Hurricane Irene version, click here.

(This blog is dedicated to Kristen and Julie who both know why. What happens in the locker room, stays in the locker room.)

Now, let's get moving. I will not be held responsible if you fall off the treadmill while texting any of the following. (I have you covered for the locker room chatter too.)

1. PWOT:  Picked Wedgie on Treadmill
2. MHIP: Munchkins Hiding in Pockets
3. MMATBA: Meet Me At Taco Bell After
4. SCOHISD: Suspicious Clump of Hair in Shower Drain
5. TOLASASAG: Two Old Ladies Are Sharing A Shower and Giggling
6. IPIS:  I Peed In Shower
7. RBJSCIU: Retina Burnin Just Saw Coworker in Underwear
8. LDAAT: Look Down At All Times
9. IFMFILR: It's Full Moon Friday In Locker Room
10. DTTMMCTLF?: Do These Tights Make My Camel Toe Look Fat?

1 comment:

SkiKnitter said...

#10 is why the small treadmill room is better than the big room